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Student Bursaries

Applications are invited for Student Discovery Bursaries.

A small number of Discovery Bursaries are available for students from Round Square Global Member Schools whose financial circumstances mean that they could not otherwise finance their conference participation. Discovery Bursaries cover the full cost of delegate fees for the RSIC. Participants are still responsible for funding their own flights/ travel to and from country.

Eligibility and process

  • Students must attend a Round Square Global Member school;

  • Round Square Coordinators, on behalf of their students, will be asked to explain why, without this bursary, their student would be unable to participate;

  • The application must be supported by a letter from the Principal/ Head confirming the school;s endorsement and the student's circumstances; and

  • Applicants are expected to make every effort to part-fund their participation in other ways and will be asked to outline what they have done to supplement their bursary application with income from other sources (e.g. part-time work or personal fundraising).

Successful Applicants

All applications received by 5 March 2025 will be reviewed by the Round Square bursary panel and successful applicants will be notified by 12 March 2025. No delegate fees will be charged for a successful applicant.

After they return home from the RSIC, bursary recipients are asked to submit a report on their experience to Round Square within six weeks.

In accepting a Bursary, applicants must confirm that they have not received support from any other RS Bursary fund, are committed to taking part in the RSIC2025, and understand that they must write a report at the end.

How to apply

Bursary applications are made by the RS Coordinator on behalf of their student, and must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the Head of School. Please complete the application form below, uploading the letter of endorsement where indicated at the end of the form.

The closing date for applications is Wednesday 5 March 2025.

Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday 12 March 2025. Schools that have students applying for a bursary should include them in the count for their Letter of Commitment. In the case that the application is unsuccessful, the school will have the option of reducing its LoC by the number of unsuccessful applications, if they need to do so, without cancellation penalty.

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